The Future of America’s Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging

The United States (US) departments of transportation and energy announced that the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and all its 50 states have already submitted Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructure deployment plans.

The plans are under the supervision of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure or the NEVI Formula Program, funded and established by the bipartisan infrastructure law.

These Electric vehicles (EV) infrastructure deployment plans must unlock the first phase of the $5 billion Bipartisan infrastructure law formula funding for over five years. It will significantly help the various states to advance the vital work of constructing a national Electrical Vehicle (EV) charging network and allowing electric vehicle charging to be available to all Americans.

The on-time submission of these Electric vehicles (EV) infrastructure deployment plans shows an all-around state commitment to creating an EV charging infrastructure that can help accelerate the shift to EV utilization and create jobs for several people. 

Every state in the United States of America is required to submit an Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructure deployment plan to the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation. Such a bold step will help them access the new funds and, simultaneously, serve as the key to providing a seamless and fast charging experience to all EV users.

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